By Samuel Ngala.

Erectile dysfunction is a common problem affecting up to 30 million men worldwide. A variety of factors cause this condition and frequently their combination worsen it. The ability to have an erection requires a lot of coordination in the body including nerves, blood vessels, muscles and the brain itself.
Most men who are risk to suffer from erectile dysfunction are those that have the following conditions: chronic medical conditions like cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, neurological injuries such as stroke, hormonal deficiency, obesity, natural aging or certain chronic infection and those who smoke. This disease affects both the young adults and the aged. Erectile dysfunction is also a very common side effect of prostate cancer. But such patients get better with time.
Masturbation, which is often linked to ED, however it only causes low desire of the opposite gender in this case men but does not cause erectile dysfunction. The side effects of masturbation may include bruises due to friction, premature ejaculation, among others.

Erectile dysfunction mostly redefines sexual relationship among partners, with the man being more likely to fall into emotional stress and disturbance due to lack of satisfaction of their partner sexually.
A study conducted at Kenya international hospital revealed a higher prevalence of erectile dysfunction in most men. The results for the research indicated that 94.5% of the participants have some degree of erectile dysfunction; Categorized as mild 70%, moderate 21% and severe 9.1%. This shows how important people should be aware of this condition.
Most men suffering from erectile dysfunction in Kenya have traditional remedies that they often use to try healing the condition. Most eat Njogu(peanuts), airpower and traditional plant roots commonly known as "Mkombero"-Kenyan Viagra. It is believed that these substances increase sexual desire and enhance better sexual performances. However scientific evidence on these remedies is still limited though it really worked for some individuals.
Many opt to use Viagra pills that sometimes don't work effectively on them. Erectile dysfunction has prompted many victims to go for prescription drugs without assessment for other underlying health problems. Health provides may refer one to a urologist or a therapist for counselling concerning their problems on erectile dysfunction.
Large studies in both Europe and the United States have shown that urethral suppository -placing a small pallet of medication (prostaglandin E1) inside the penile urethra is effective on controlling erectile function with an effect of 43% of the patients getting better. This method was so effective only that it caused a bit of pain to the patients. Other methods used in controlling erectile dysfunction included penile injection, vacuum erection device and penile prosthesis.
Current research is now focused on better understanding this specific physiological pathway responsible for normal sexual function, developing more effective agents for managing erectile dysfunction and learning how the nerves heal and what factor can hasten the healing process (This is according to the research done by UCSF-Health)
Considering the causes like obesity, high cholesterol and smoking, people should watch their diet. Eat foods with low or no cholesterol, exercise regularly and quit smoking if addicted.
Health urologists also have great and specialized training to address this condition. Their great knowledge covers both physiological and psychological aspects of erectile dysfunction. In most cases men with erectile dysfunction are referred to therapists since stress, anxiousness depression and other emotional aspects can make the condition worse.
Men with erectile dysfunction should seek assistance without fear. They should break their silence and seek for help. Considering the following can be great to men with erectile dysfunction, exercising regularly, eating a well-balanced diet, improving sleep and reducing stress.